I love this list! I wish all leaders would post it somewhere to remind them of it. I there anything you can think of that should be added to this list?
I love this list! I wish all leaders would post it somewhere to remind them of it. I there anything you can think of that should be added to this list?
Here’s a short but useful list from a recent post in Forbes about the differentiators of great leaders from the rest of us:
Source: 12 Significant Ways That Great Leaders Are Different From the Rest of Us | Inc.com
What would you add to this list? I’d love to hear your comments about the really great leaders you have known and experienced.
True professional growth without personal growth is impossible. In order to truly learn to be a better leader, and to be better able to deal with power dynamics, you’ve got to figure yourself out. To start, ask yourself a few the questions contained in this article.
Source: How the Most Emotionally Intelligent CEOs Handle Their Power