We have a very different method….. With Very Different Results!
Our Executive Coaching with the leadership focus is… “The ultimate in just-in-time learning” for leaders in your organization: personalized, professional, and focused on core business objectives.
And, coaching added into the mix to group or team learning, can individualize and “hard-wire” new skills, awareness, and behaviors to make real sustainable change happen.
Our One-on-One Executive Coaching provides:
- an individualized learning plan, typically grounded with assessments, 360 and stakeholder feedback, and (sometimes) shadowing
- specific to that leader’s development needs,
- utilizing their unique workplace experiences as the “playing field” for learning,
- at a pace that is challenging, yet manageable,
- for that individual at that time in their work situation and schedule,
- with clear time-lines for deliverables and frequent, measurable accountabilities.
Leaders often engage us to work with them and their teams to accelerate their ability to:
- Engage and mobilize employees, from setting expectations, to acknowledging employees and adjusting one’s leadership style expertly to the specific situation
- Create and follow a development plan
- Utilize our proprietary tool, “The Leader’s Dashboard”
- Develop and implement effective, individualized career planning
- Think comprehensively about complex issues
- Think strategically
- Manage up
- Develop a powerbase of professional relationships in the organization
- Lead change and develop a positive, values-driven culture
- Set expectations and high standards
- Create a high-performance team
- Influence others
- Get ideas accepted throughout the organization
- Understand the politics of the organization
- Change a key behavior to build on strengths or eliminate a behavioral blind spot, in order to move one’s career ahead
- Reframe a limiting perception that is holding their performance back
- Execute effectively and move things forward to results
- Communicate simply and powerfully
- Super-charge their existing powerbase of professional relationships, and have more power and influence in the organization
- Resolve conflicts skillfully and effectively
- Improve leadership impact
- Develop the attitudes of the leader, including resilience, balancing results and relationships, and generating the right attitude for the situation
How can we help you?
See Leadership Development and Management Training
For a complimentary consultation about your executive coaching needs, contact us now.
Coaching Urged for Women – Inadequate Career Development Holds Back Female Executives