Some organizations will excite you. They’ll stimulate your success and growth. Others will be stressful. They may lead you to quit before you’ve accomplished much or learned what you hoped to. With the pressure (or excitement) of finding a new job, it’s all too easy to pursue a job opportunity or to accept an offer with only a hazy view of how the institution really operates. The path to an institution you’ll like is to investigate the culture you’re thinking of joining before you accept the position.
When Choosing a Job, Culture Matters – Bill Barnett – Harvard Business Review.
So many times when talking to clients, I find they get so excited about wanting to be chosen,( “Pick me. Pick me. Oh, please, pick me!”), that they forget that they are interviewing the organization as well. Here are some wonderful ideas to use now if you need them, or save for later when you are likely to,which will to help you choose more wisely.
Coaching tip: Culture is key to a good fit in a job. Do your research before you accept a position, ideally, before you interview, and vastly increase your odds of finding you have an enjoyable job and sucessful tenure at the company.
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