Interest grows as health systems employ more doctors and prepare them for increased responsibilities as part of health system reform.
By Victoria Stagg Elliott, amednews staff. Posted Feb. 23, 2012.
Hospitals are no longer waiting for physicians to get themselves trained for leadership positions.
Some are providing in-house leadership education, hoping that increasing numbers of aligned physicians will do more than clock in, provide good patient care and then clock out. Hospitals seek independent physicians connected with the institution for training as well as those they employ.
“It’s clear that we need physicians to do more than just run the medical staff,” said James Rice, PhD, project director for the consulting firm Management Sciences for Health, who has written several reports on physician leadership issues. “But for physicians to go into leadership and management roles, serve on committees for the medical staff, take on part-time medical directorships, run accountable care organizations, be on process improvement teams, a new set of competencies%
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