“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.”
–Charles Dickens
I remember having to memorize this quote in grade school, it must have been around fourth or fifth grade, and, it is still as true today as it was back then, or, for that matter back in Dicken’s time.
Procrastination affects everyone. It sneaks up on most people when they’re tired or bored, but for some, procrastination can be a full-fledged addiction, says Dr. Travis Bradberry in this timely article. Although it’s especially common during the holidays given their abundance of distractions, the procrastination cycle can become crippling at any time of the year. This is especially troubling, because recent studies show that procrastination magnifies stress, reduces performance, and leads to poor health.
Read on for some enlightening ideas and tips to help you get to work when you like all of us find you are “not in the mood.”
Source: How To Make Yourself Work When You’re Not In The Mood | LinkedIn
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