Is the executive highly motivated to change?
YES – Executives who get the most out of coaching have a fierce desire to learn and grow.
NO – Do not engage a coach if behavioral problems: blamers, victims and individuals with ironclad belief systems don’t change.
Does the executive have good chemistry with the coach?
YES – The right match is key to the success of the coaching experience. Without it optimal executive performance will not develop.
NO – Do not engage a coach on the basis of reputation or experience without making sure it is the right fit.
Is there a strong commitment from top management?
YES – The firm must have a true desire to retain and develop the coached executive.
NO – Do not engage a coach if the agenda is to push the executive out or to fix a systemic issue beyond the control of the coached individual.
Why Use Executive Coaching?
(Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review Survey)
For a complimentary consultation about your executive coaching needs, Contact Us, or call us at 734-663-0420