Your Quiz Score is 39 or less!
Likely the timing is not right for you right now. Do you need to reconsider your current ability to invest the time or energy required? Are there personal issues that are getting in the way? Is there a lack of resources?
Whether you are coming to leadership development coaching at the request of your supervisor or on your own, it is important to assess if you are ready to utilize coaching effectively.
Not everyone is “coachable”, and ,not everyone is at a good place to get the most out of a coaching engagement at a particular time. Before time and resources are invested it is wise to evaluate readiness to participate at the level of commitment required.
Leadership Development Coaching is an intensive process, with regular and often frequent sessions, work to be completed outside of sessions and high accountability. This is a guide to help you evaluate what to do now.
If you had scores indicating high readiness good for you!
If not, consider retaking this quiz again in 3 or 6 months when you have had a chance to address some of the issues which may be interfering with your coachability at this moment. You may find you have a very different result.
Thanks for your participation! Ready?